


「陽」の「温める」ということを意識的にされて、ぜひ陰陽のバランスをとられてください (^_-)-☆

↓↓↓ 体を温めるメニュー(オプション)がございます♪


これからの季節、ぜひご利用ください (^o^)/

It’s the season when the nights get longer day by day, which is also called “long autumn nights.”
It’s finally becoming easier to spend the day (*^_^*)

Recently, I studied Oriental medicine and learned about the balance of yin and yang in the natural world and the human body…
It is said that the Autumn Equinox is the day when Yin and Yang are most harmonized!

As autumn deepens, elements of “shadow” such as “coldness” will become stronger.
Please consciously try to “warm up” the “yang” and maintain a balance between yin and yang (^_-)-☆

At our salon, based on the concept of “maintaining health = care that increases circulation”
↓↓↓ We also have a menu (option) to warm your body♪

・Radio wave menu
・Mugwort steamed
・Bedrock bath warm water mat

Please use it in the coming season (^o^)/

[HP] https://popoki10.com/


#ロミロミマッサージ #リンパマッサージ #オイルマッサージ #もみほぐし #ラジオ波 #温活美容 #おかま直伝よもぎ蒸し#岩盤浴 #小顔ハイフ #Dr.リセラ #ダイエット #姿勢改善 #ブライダル #自律神経  #麻布十番 #陰陽
Lomi Lomi massage #Lymphatic massage #Oil massage #Radio wave #Onkatsu beauty #Okama Jikiden mugwort steamed #Small face hyphen #Dr. Licella #Diet #Posture improvement #Bridal

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