いつもご利用いただき、ありがとうございます (*^_^*)
オーナー 丸尾恵美
Thank you for always using our service (*^_^*)
From October 1st next month, we will be revising (increasing) the prices of salon menu items, hot pepper coupons, etc.
Since our salon opened, we have strived to provide services at low prices through membership systems and coupons in order to encourage continuous body care, but due to the rise in expenses, we have decided to review our prices.
We apologize for the burden and inconvenience this price revision will cause to our customers, and we will continue to strive to further improve our services.
Thank you for your understanding and understanding.
Popoki Massage Azabujuban
Owner Emi Maruo
POPOKI MASSAGE Azabujuban Private Beauty Salon
Namboku Line/Oedo Line
Azabu Juban Station 5 minute walk from Exit 4
(Oedo Line Exit 7)
[HP] https://popoki10.com/

#ロミロミマッサージ #リンパマッサージ #オイルマッサージ #もみほぐし #ラジオ波 #温活美容 #おかま直伝よもぎ蒸し #小顔ハイフ #Dr.リセラ #ダイエット #姿勢改善 #ブライダル #アロマオイル #精油#生活の木 #南国 #自律神経 #麻布十番
Lomi Lomi massage #Lymphatic massage #Oil massage #Radio wave #Onkatsu beauty #Okama Jikiden mugwort steamed #Small face hyphen #Dr. Licella #Diet #Posture improvement #Bridal